Friday, February 8, 2008

What I Carry in My Day Bag

*City guidebook (a small one) or copied pages from a guidebook. When I am done with the copied pages, I throw them away. There is no need to bring them home. I do bring my map home with me if I don't have a second one at home. It's good to keep one for future reference.
*Journal/pen/small spiral notebook, which contains various information
*Travel language book
*Packet of kleenex
*Small water bottle that I purchase and later fill at the hotel
*My super light tote umbrella (unless I know the weather report for the day)
*Camera with extra memory cards
*2 sets plastic utensils for picnics or snacks along the way (depending on where I'm going that day)
*Wet naps
*Contact lens eye solution
*Copy of our passports
*Lipstick or chapstick.

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