Monday, April 13, 2020

"Wall of Shame"

Cambridge Maryland sits along the Choptank River. There is a small street downtown that dead-ends at a short seawall. It is infamously known by photographers as, “The Wall of Shame,” because it’s almost too easy to get some great shots of waterfowl.

From about December to March, there are hundreds and hundreds of wintering waterfowl. You can see Canvasbacks, Scaups, American Wigeons, Buffleheads, Mallards, Ruddy Ducks, etc.
Photographers will bring dried corn to feed the ducks, looking to get some good action and flying shots. Toss the corn and ducks may fly towards you. Spend some time there and you may get some good shots too.

Photos taken January 2020.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Articles I've written

In 2009, I started to write articles for an online site called When the website was active, people could sign up for a daily email about all things Italy. There were different categories: Places, events, food and wine, Art, local interest, etc.

Italy is one of my favorite places to visit, so I enjoyed writing articles for the website.  

I didn’t get paid, but I was able to showcase my photography.

Here’s a link to all of my articles.

People are not traveling these days due to the virus. I'm hoping my articles will bring back some of your travel memories.