Sunday, May 19, 2013

Flowers - Close Up

Today while at one of the local garden centers, Tony and I were looking to see what new trees we would plant. While doing so, I snapped a few flowers that were in bloom, still wet from the rain.

I didn't have my camera with me so I used my Samsung S3, which has a pretty damn good camera.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Up, Up and Away!

17 May 2013: My friend Charity and I went to the Preakness Celebration Balloon Festival in Maryland. This was my first balloon festival.

There were about 15-17 balloons. We spent our time watching them being filled and casting off (is that the right hot air balloon terminology?).

Once in the air the balloons headed west, which was not great for taking pictures. The night shots "balloons stand up and glow" were some of my favorites.

Look carefully - they're texting!! Geeze.

Here's the link to all of my pictures:!i=2519206937&k=K6HRzBh

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I took these yesterday. The bird was way high up in the trees. I had a very hard time with him because he was moving quickly from tree to tree. I used my Nikon 70-300mm VR lens at 300mm. My ISO was set too high, so the photos have too much noise. 

Morning Dew

9 May 2013 - Morning Dew

Friday, May 3, 2013


More fun with my close up lens.

1/80s, f/4, ISO 250. 35mm lens w/Raynox.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

More Spring Flowers

These were taken in my neighborhood this evening while walking Lucy. 

...and a bunny too!

1 May 2013