Friday, June 19, 2009

Quoted in the Fodors China 2009 Guidebook

I received an email from the community manager of telling me I was quoted in their 2009 China guidebook.

Congratulations! You were quoted in Fodor's China, 6th edition along with other travelers like you as a part of the guide's "Word of Mouth" feature. Each title in the Fodor's Gold Guide series includes "Word of Mouth", suggestions and tips from travelers who have posted on, both in the Forums and within the site's member reviews sections. We believe that the first-hand experiences of our members add much to our guides; these stories and recommendations are a part of what makes Fodor's guides unique.

This is the third time I've been quoted in their guidebooks. The first time was for their 2008 Paris guidebook. The second time was for their 2009 Italy guidebook.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I have a condo to rent out, which will be on a 12-month basis. It's located in Frederick Maryland near Fort Detrick.

See the following link for more information: 2503 Catoctin Court.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Frederick Festival of the Arts (6 June 2009)

Saturday, 6 June 2009, was a beautiful day to enjoy the Frederick Festival of Arts in downtown Frederick, MD. This was the first time the festival was open to the public at no cost. All other years there had been an entry fee. Donations were accepted to help offset the free entry.

The canal area was packed with people checking out the many great artwork. I personally checked out the photography.

Here are a few photos from the day. As you can see, the festival was quite a success! Even Lucy enjoyed the day.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fort Detrick Recognition Ceremony

With my friend Sil and Bob (from CSU)

Today I participated in the Fort Detrick Recognition Ceremony, "A Celebration of Education." I had completed my bachelor's degree in February from Columbia Southern University (CSU). Graduation for the school isn't until October in Florida and I'm not sure I'll attend.

Today was the first time that the Fort Detrick community held a graduation ceremony for both military and civilians. I had received an email from the education office asking me (and other recent graduates) if I wanted to participate in this new event. I accepted.

The event began with the National Anthem, followed by invocation, opening remarks, and the keynote speaker. There were close to 30 graduates who were called up to receive a certificate of recognition, given by the post's garrison commander, Colonel Robinson. All of us graduated from schools all over the country, a few for their associates, bachelor's degree (me!), and masters (the majority of the group).

A reception followed with cake and punch; and photo opportunities.

My friend Sil attended the ceremony. She worked with me until taking another job last year. She's a CSU graduate and I had selected CSU based on her comments.

Bob is the military and corporate programs manager at CSU and he was invited to attend. Upon meeting him, he asked when I would be starting my masters degree! Hmmmm, not sure. It's something to think about for now.

Tony was able to attend too even though he was on call.

I may or may not go to the actual graduation in the fall. It is located in Florida, so it might be a good time for a graduation/mini-vacation!